Home arrow Newsletter arrow VOLUME 1, ISSUE 7- MARCH 2013

Making Training Stick: Transferring Training from

the Classroom to the Job

How can we make training stick? How do we make our employees apply what they just learned? How do we make them implement the tools? These are probably the questions most often asked in the world of training. Progressive companies can easily spend 2-4% of their company payroll on employee training. To ensure that these funds not get wasted, executives and managers can take the following simple actions to ensure that employees use their new training on the job.   

  1. Inspect what they expect : Ensure that every participant knows why they are attending the training session, i.e., what you, as their manager, specifically hope that they would get out of it for themselves and their work. Ask the participant for what they hope to get out of the training for themselves. (Putting this down on paper can be helpful.)

  2.  Make application of the skills part of the performance review process : Reviewing how well they applied the learning does not need to be a huge portion of the employee’s review, but it does need to be big enough to attract their attention. If possible, tie the learning application to the monetary portion of their performance review incentive program.

  3.  Establish Peer-to-Peer Coaching : Peer-to-Peer coaching is simple. Two people on the same team meet for 10 minutes every Friday morning to review what they learned in the last week from applying the training. They ask each other three questions …Image
    a. What did I apply from the training that really helped, and why?
    b. What did I apply from the training that backfired on me, and why?
    c. What from the training will I focus on next week?
    Therefore, instead of the manager trying to coach 10 people to implement the training, set up five teams of two and have them use Peer-to-Peer Coaching. You should review the progress at your team meetings, but avoid sitting in on the actual Peer-to-Peer Coaching sessions. As an added bonus, you might spot tomorrow’s leaders through this approach.

  4.  Be selective on what you measure : Your team can learn any number of new techniques / tools / methods in any given training program. Be selective about which items you want to measure focus on two or three items only for the first few weeks, then change to a different set of items to focus on. This approach gives the team a chance to apply, de-bug and, ultimately, master the application of the learning.

  5.  Review : Review with the participants what they learned from the training. Ask them questions or allow them an opportunity to present the concepts and learnings that they think most apply to them, their job or the department. (Another option is to ask to see the participants’ action plans, or to discuss the three most important ideas/changes from the program.)Image
     Give the employee time to apply new concepts and to practice new behaviours. Offer them praise, encouragement and constructive feedback. (If you are familiar with the material, then provide role modeling and coaching.)
     Encourage groups of newly trained employees to meet regularly to share insights, information and successes, and offer each other help and support in applying new skills. (These can be facilitated by a trainer or manager.)
     Follow-up with the participant 45 days after the training to see if the training is being used; if not, revisit their action plan.
     Include new skill development and application as part of the employee’s performance review.

    Organizational studies have shown that what managers do before and after training is as important as what the trainer does during the training session. By following the above simple advice, any company will get a much better return on its training investment.

Build and Sustain Trust in Business

Do your employees drag themselves into work? Your employees' We always think about building trust with our clients, employees and business associates. It is a crucial requirement in sustaining any productive relationship. Trust takes a long time to build, yet only a moment to weaken or be totally lost through a non-mindful act.

However, how many of us truly know what it specifically takes to build trust in our important relationships? Before you read on, think about what factors you believe are most important in building and sustaining trust with your clients or colleagues.

Factors that build and sustain trust in your business relationships:

 a. Maintain Relationship - Your relationship with the client will maintain, and hopefully increase if you can show a continuedImage impartiality and an objective viewpoint towards the changing needs of the organization.

 b. Integrity - This term is usually used to mean honest as seen by other people. Some think honesty is only related to what is said, but not telling the whole truth is dishonest. If you cannot deliver a service because of your company’s mistake, integrity suggests that you include the real reason in your apology which helps in sustaining trust. Take your promises seriously and work like heck to keep them not only to the other person but also to yourself.

 c. Treat everyone with respect - No one likes to be dis-respected (from their perspective). Be courteous and considerate to all on cultural differences, positions, races, ages, or any other types of distinctions. Never criticize anyone or yourself; say what you agree with before you say what you disagree with.

 d. Sincerity - Be open and ready to hear and understand the other person's viewpoint; allow yourself to be impacted by their needs and ideas.

 e. Competency - To sustain trust in any organization, especially in business, the first imperative is to fulfil your obligations and commitments. This is measured by performance. This means that the organization knows why it exists, what it is capable of doing, and delivers tangible results consistently. It is able to meet its commitments to a clearly defined market and it demonstrates an ability to achieve or exceed goals over time. This level of demonstrated competence is vital to achieving and sustaining trust.

 f. Mutuality - Always work to serve all parties' best interests. Create situation where every party can win will work to build up Image everyone's positive regard.

 g. Reliability - Maintain consistency in your behaviour or in your way of being or acting;being someone others can depend on in fulfilling commitments.

These are some of factors which will help you if you specifically need to repair a damaged relationship or to maintain a trust in business.

Trust is a reflection of your relationships. Serving those relationships will serve you well in the long run.

10 Reasons to Use a Budget even at home

Many people assume a budget is only for those who either have a spending problem or experiencing a financial crisis. The truth is everyone should use a budget, no matter what their financial situation is. Here are 10 reasons why you should use a budget.

 Create a Roadmap :
Would you ever go somewhere new without a map or set of directions? Probably not, right? Think of a budget as a roadmap, it sets a path for you to follow so that you can reach your destination, which is financial confidence.

 Give Yourself Control :For those who have a problem spending, a budget will help you get back in control of your money instead of letting your money control you. You will learn how to control yourself from impulse buying and overspending.

 Reduce Arguments :Money often plays a big role in most arguments between spouses. By using a budget, you and your spouse can get back on track and improve your financial situation, together!Image

 Improve Relationships :A budget creates a financial plan that the whole family can work together on and contribute to. A family budget is a great way to work together as a family to achieve your financial goals.

 Prepare Yourself for Emergencies : There will be times when an emergency arises, catching you by complete surprise. A budget can be used to create an emergency fund so you won’t be left wondering what to do when such an insistence comes up.

 Improve Your Habits :A budget will help you to be more value and price conscious when shopping. It will also help you pay more attention to how you consume resources around the house, such as water, electricity,and gas.

 Help Yourself with Your Debt :ImageWith credit cards becoming common forms of payment, it is easy to fall into debt, and quickly! A budget can help you get out of debt. Plus, once you get out, you can continue using it to keep help keep out of debt.

 Help Yourself Save Money :If you are looking to save money, a budget is the perfect tool to help. A budget can be used to save for a goal, such as college or a new home,or used for a large expense, like a family vacation.

 Improve Your Wellness :Wellness is not just about your physical health; it also includes your financial health too. Incorporating a budget into your everyday life can improve your financial health just as a diet can improve your physical health.

 Reduce Stress :For many people, a personal finance is a stressful issue. Using a budget will give you the peace of mind so you aren’t left lying awake at night worrying about your financial situation.



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